
Study Tips

Of all the skills you will need as a developer effective learning is the most important. There is no library, no framework, no buzzword you can master that will serve you better than strong study and learning habits.

Fortunately studying and learning are skills you can improve. Keeping an organized study journal is the first step. So take some extra time before, during, and after you write some code to write down some notes on what you just learned.

As you work through this curriculum we will often recommend ways to take notes on particular topics (ie. descriptive diagrams, questions to explore, organizing & deploying your notes), but for now take your notes however you usually do. For now just be sure to take regular notes and to keep them organized.

Take lots of notes! On post-its, GitHub, or even your arm. If you don’t make an effort to manage your learning process you’ll be surprised at how quickly it can slip away from you.

Pay special attention to:

Good Reads

Time Management Tools

As humans we are ‘designed’ to be distracted. Therefore, your study/work environment is an important aspect of how effective you learn. Here are some Time Management tools you can use to organize your work.

Challenge: Take your notes with Nano!