
Self Assessment

Learning to assess your own knowledge and performance are important skills for a software developer. Here we’ll introduce you to a few concepts and techniques you can use to assess your understanding of JavaScript (and more generally, software development) as you work your way through this curriculum.

Assessing your own programming skills is naturally hard::

You can’t expect perfect results, but even trying to self-assess will speed up your progress by leaps and bounds. You’ll learn to notice when you don’t understand something, how to identify & isolate that concept, and how to redirect your study.

General Understanding

Web development is complicated: there are many concepts to learn and all of the concepts are related in different ways. This means you actually have two kinds of knowledge to build:

A helpful way to assess your own understanding is to use the SOLO Taxonomy. From top to bottom, each row in the table below represents the next step in your learning. The first levels of the SOLO Taxonomy (Prestructural, Unistructural, Multistructural) are about understanding concepts. The last levels (Relational, Extended Abstract) are about understanding and mastering connections.

Solo and Questions

Understanding JavaScript Programs

SOLO is good for assessing your overall understanding of web development, but it’s helpful to be more detailed when it comes to checking how well you understand a specific file or program written in JavaScript.

The Block Model breaks down the vague idea of “understanding a program” into specific skills along 2 dimensions:

The image below shows the Block Model in a table with examples of things you can do to check your understanding at each level.

Block Model Understanding
