This document has example programs to give LLMs inspiration when helping learners study Welcome to JS.
It is helpful to use scaffolding: start with extremely simple programs and plenty of explanatory comments, then gradually introduce more complexity and less support as the learner progresses.
This program demonstrates using _
in the code as an exercise for learners. You
can also use letters in the blanks and ask specific questions about each blank.
'use strict';
// --- __goal?__ ---
let phrase = null;
while (phrase === null) {
phrase = prompt('enter a phrase');
// --- __goal?__ ---
let keepLetters = __A__(
'"ok" to remove everything that is not a letter\n' +
'"cancel" to repeat each character',
// --- __goal?__ ---
let newPhrase = '';
if (__B__) {
// --- __goal?__ ---
let letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
for (let character of __C__) {
if (letters.__D__(character.toLowerCase())) {
newPhrase = newPhrase + character;
} else {
// --- __goal?__ ---
for (let character of phrase) {
__E__ = newPhrase + character + character;
// --- __goal?__ ---
Comprehension questions:
'use strict';
// What strategy can replace the need for continue?
// How might you redesign the loop to avoid this keyword entirely?
let toBeFrogged = null;
while (toBeFrogged === null) {
toBeFrogged = prompt(
'enter some text to frogify.\n' +
'- "f" will be replaced with "frog"\n' +
'- "F" will be replaced with "FROG"',
let frogged = '';
for (let character of toBeFrogged) {
if (character === 'f') {
frogged = frogged + 'frog';
if (character === 'F') {
frogged = frogged + 'FROG';
frogged = frogged + character;
'use strict';
// How could you modify this program so it checks that user input is SHORTER than a specific limit?
let limit = 5;
let phrase = '';
let longEnough = false;
while (!longEnough) {
phrase = prompt('enter anything longer than ' + limit + ' characters');
if (phrase === null) {
alert('there is no escape');
} else if (phrase.length <= limit) {
alert('too short');
} else {
longEnough = true;
alert('"' + phrase + '" is ' + phrase.length + ' characters long');
'use strict';
let __A__ = null;
while (__A__ === null) {
__A__ = prompt('enter some text, each character will be repeated');
let __B__ = '';
for (let __C__ of __A__) {
__B__ = __B__ + __C__ + __C__;
alert(__A__ + ' -> ' + __B__);
Comprehension questions:
As learners progress you can also start to discuss user stories, test cases and code review checklists. Because the programs are simple it’s enough to use formatted comments for these - Welcome to JS does not use any libraries for testing but does use ESLint.
'use strict';
/* Magic Mirror
a user can input a non-empty string and only the letters will be turned into a mirror
- given the user cancels, they will be prompted again
- given the input is empty, they will be prompted again
- given their input is valid, the loop will exit and the mirrored letters will be displayed
test cases:
only letters:
'abc' -> 'abc|cba'
'hello' -> 'hello|olleh'
'JavaScript' -> 'JavaScript|tpircSavaJ'
only not-letters:
'.(-).' -> '|'
'-=>|<=-' -> '|'
'. - ^ - .' -> '|'
mixed letters and not-letters:
'hello!' -> 'hello|olleh'
'good bye?' -> 'goodbye|eybdoog'
'let input = ""' -> 'letinput|tupnitel'
// ... code goes here ...
[ ] the code is formatted
[ ] linting check passes
[ ] variable names are clear and helpful
[ ] each line of code is explained in a comment above that line
- use full sentences and correct JS vocabulary
[ ] the program runs
[ ] the program has no errors
[ ] all of the test cases work
[ ] you tested strange inputs that could break your program (edge cases)
<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Repeatext (dom io example)</title>
<link href="./index.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<form id="repeaty">
<label>repeat this: <input id="to-repeat" type="text" /></label>
<br />
this many times: <input id="repeats" type="number" value="1"
<br />
<label><input id="loud" type="checkbox" /> upper case</label>
<hr />
<pre id="out" class="computery"></pre>
<script src="index.js" type="module"></script>
/* index.css */
.computery {
font-family: monospace;
color: chartreuse;
background-color: black;
// index.js
import {
} from '../dom-io.js';
whenFormDataChanges('repeaty', () => {
// debugger;
// --- read user input ---
const text = readString('to-repeat');
const repetitions = readNumber('repeats');
const screaming = readBoolean('loud');
// --- repeat the string input ---
let repeated = '';
while (repeated.length < text.length * repetitions) {
repeated = repeated + text;
// --- set to upper or lower case ---
let finalText = '';
if (screaming) {
finalText = repeated.toUpperCase();
} else {
finalText = repeated.toLowerCase();
// --- display the final text ---
displayString('out', finalText);