
DOM IO Functions

There are 5 functions in this DOM IO library to help you transition from prompt/alert/confirm to projects that use HTML/CSS/JS. They are simple functions but just enough to build basic web pages that process user input.

You will not be able to do everything you see in online DOM tutorials, but you can learn many foundational skills with less distraction including:

Helpful Errors

These functions will throw many errors, that’s a good thing! The errors are there to help catch your mistakes before they become frustrating mysteries, and to help you learn to use DOM elements correctly.

The most common errors you will get are because:

The Functions

whenFormDataChanges('id', function)

This function takes the ID of a <form> element and a handler function* describing what should happen when the user changes the form’s data.

When the user change’s the form data, the code in your handler will be executed.

// log the user's favorite number each time they change the input

whenFormDataChanges('user-data', () => {
  console.log('you just changed the form data!');

This function supports these HTML elements:

<!-- a form with an id -->
<form id="user-data"></form>

* handler function: You will learn about functions & handlers in later modules, for now you can just use the syntax from this example.

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This function takes in the ID of the <input> or <textarea> and returns the string value it stores.

const someWords = readString('words');
const anOption = readString('radio-options');
const aSelection = readString('selection');

console.log(someWords, anOption, aSelection);

This function supports these HTML elements:

<!-- all <input>, <fieldset> and <select> must be inside a <form> -->
  <!-- labeled text inputs with an id -->
  <label>inputs with type "text"<input id="words" type="text" /></label>

  <!-- fieldsets with an id, containing labeled & named radio inputs -->
  <fieldset id="radio-options">
    <label>red: <input type="radio" name="color" checked /></label>
    <label>blue: <input type="radio" name="color" /></label>
    <!-- ... -->

  <!-- select elements with an id, containing options -->
  <select id="selection">
    <option value="B">b</option>
    <!-- ... -->

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This function takes in the ID of an <input> and returns the boolean value it stores.

const storeAllTheirData = readBoolean('cookies');


This function supports these HTML elements:

<!-- all <input> must be inside a <form> -->
  <!-- a labeled checkbox input with an id -->
  <label><input id="cookies" type="checkbox" /> accept all cookies</label>

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This function takes in the ID of the <input> and returns the user’s number.

const userAge = readNumber('age');
const userRange = readNumber('one-to-hundred');

console.log(userAge, userRange);

This function supports these HTML elements:

<!-- all <input> must be inside a <form> -->
  <!-- a labeled number input with an id -->
  <label>your age: <input id="age" type="number" /></label>

  <!-- a labeled range input with an id -->
  <label>between 1-100 <input id="one-to-hundred" type="range" /></label>

Table of Contents

displayString("id", "text")

Displays a string inside a <pre> tag.

displayString('program-output', 'Good Morning!');

This functions supports these HTML elements:


<!-- the <pre> element must have an id and be outside of a <form> -->
<pre id="program-output"></pre>

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